SAFe vs Classic ProjectManagement - Comparison and Results

  • von Wolfgang Klemm
  • AgilePerformance
  • DolphinUniverse
  • Leadership
  • SaveYourSAFe

We have proof that “SAFe® is not better than classic ProjectManagement!”

Since a few years, we have been more and more called by companies that have to admit that SAFe® made it worse. No gain in throughput or shortening the lead time.
Something‘s wrong!

Now we have the first data of one of these SAFe® implementations. Something around 200 developers, working for 1.5 years with SAFe®. And they did a very well SAFe® implementation – no doubt about this.

We were allowed to measure the typical symptoms of „project organizations.“
We have, since 2016, a scientifically proven questionnaire to assess the severity of negative project management symptoms. Yes, your read right. We assess an agile organization with project measures. That allows us to compare the performance of SAFe® (on the left) with over 400 project organizations (on the right).


At least this SAFe® organization looks very much like* the average classic project organization – no real improvement!

Is it really like this, that SAFe® is more or less like classic projects - just different words?

Now we need more Data!
We offer this analysis to all organizations that do SAFe® for more than 1.5 years – for free.
If you are interested – use this link to request more information (and get some more free stuff):

Wolfgang Klemm
Founder AURORA tecKnow GmbH

* There is a slight difference – the “thin resource spreading” improved. This company does the PIP very strictly – so the Work-in-Progress is around 100% - so the thin resource spreading went down … but good companies come down to a 3 or a 4 on this scale! So good but not perfect.

AURORAtecKnow and BlueDolphin are together powered by TheoryOfConstraints and SelfOrganization

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